It's the time of year when marketers are filling up their campaign content calender with new ideas. What is your marketing message going to be for the next 3 months as we round the corner on the new year? Below are a few creative marketing ideas your B2B or B2C company can build concept(s) around!
January: The obvious choice is to create a campaign around the"New Year, New You" idea. This applies to the beauty, health, food, fashion, and consumer industries. What new service or product are you offering for the new year? Is there a seasonality to your business where you need to capture people in January? For example: CPA's are very busy this time of year as January can set the tone for tax season new client growth. B2C companies can use RTW (register to win) warm weather trips or opposite season creative and promotions as part of the campaign to drum up interest in the month of January. Service industries can begin to highlight home repair or merchandise needs (heating for immediate, spring for get your systems checked and updated). Give people an incentive to engage with your brand early. Race event directors can use this time to prepare and promote training programs so by the time the June 5k event comes around your athletes are prepared. Ski season is in full swing-making mountain resorts, restaurants, clothing, and travel around winter sports a large area of opportunity as well. Think about your target consumer and what they might be DOING in January, then develop your creative messaging to speak directly to them to up conversion and drive early sales.
February: Valentine's Day, Super Bowl, School Vacation week, and winter weather-all can be catalysts for marketing ideas. It's the shortest month of the year so highlight this and promote special rates to ensure business closes by month end. Keeping with the theme of LOVE-use in a variety of forms-friends, spousal, child, family, hobby, sports team, clients, etc. incorporate marketing campaigns that highlight why people LOVE working with you, or LOVE your product or service. This works for internal campaign as well-make sure your sales and marketing teams are all on board and ready to handle the increased traffic.
March: Winter is (hopefully) on it's way out, Spring is around the corner, the idea of everything coming to life (plants, trees, birds etc) is top of mind. Companies that are spring and summer seasonal have to prepare clients and new prospects for their services to ensure they hit revenue goals over the next 7 months. Travel, college preparation/schooling, real estate, banking, house cleaning services, and end of quarter "sales" are idea triggers as well. Example: landscaping companies will want to introduce their clients to early lawn care and seeding to ensure that the property and yard are as beautiful as can be come peak season in a few months.
By creating a road map for email marketing campaign ideas and grassroots marketing, you can ensure that all your avenues for driving new leads and business are speaking the same language. Need help figuring out a road map for success in your business? CLICK HERE!