2017 will hopefully be the year I look back at and say it was instrumental in refocusing my company and business decisions. Coming off a pseudo maternity leave, now being a mom of 2 (that's a whole other post for another day) I had a determined mind and passionate heart. I told myself, and my HubSpot counterparts I was ready to jump right in and make 2017 my best year yet.
This would require planning, both my husband and I are self-employed then you add in 2 kids (3.5 year old and 4 month old) school for our oldest, 2 dogs, family and friend obligations and quickly the day goes by in a blur. I was fortunate enough to get nominated by my friend, and one of the BEST sales reps I know, Sarah Posnak for the HubSpot Partner Lead Generation Boot Camp. The company had done an test in q4 of 2016 with top performing agency partners and it was very successful; now we had a chance to be a part of th q1 2017 group. I immediately said PLEASE PICK ME for several reasons:
1. Training-it had been a couple years since I had had formal sales coaching in a team environment coupled with just having had baby brain-I figured there was no better time to reset the gears and instill some new "old" best practice habits. I love learning and improving, even though this often means being out of my comfort zone.
2. Dan Tyre-if you dont know or follow this man on social media you are missing out; HERE, HERE, and HERE are just some of the awesome ways he impacts people and businesses on a daily basis.
3. Timing-Being two and a half years into running my own business I realized that in order for me to take it up a notch I needed to revamp exactly what my messages and offerings were. This may sound funny coming from someone who brands, messages, and recommends service marketing campaigns and solutions all day long BUT it's true...I needed to spend the time in the early part of this year to get my house in order so I could continue to service my clients in the best way possible.
If you have read this far you are probably asking- OK-so what did you learn? Here goes:
1. Never underestimate the value of making someone smile: cold calling, meeting new people, networking is all about making connections and more often than not if you can get a person to genuinely smile, you have made that connection. This was uncomfortable for me at first as Im good at building rapport, but this is rapport building simplified. Who doesn't love to smile and have some cheer brought to their day?
2. Persistence always pays off: you may not like the answer you get, but as a smart manager once told me, no is second best to a yes. Getting to the answer allows everyone to move onto more productive projects. make the calls, do the work, and see the results. There are no shortcuts to success.
3. Everyone has the same 24 hours: become efficient, take time for YOU to recharge, and dont get into comparing yourself-that can lead to lots of wasted time.
4. Being part of a team rocks: i always played sports, did dance, and worked on "teams" throughout my corporate roles and jobs. Its in my blood to work in a busy environment. With that said, I have learned to embrace the quiet day too. Being part of this "bootcamp group" reminded me how awesome peer to peer role play and interactions can be. Some members in our group worked so well together that we actually continue to meet weekly to keep the productivity high and ourselves accountable.
5. Love what you do: thats why we started this business after all-to fill a void in the marketplace that we saw, to offer services we truly feel clients deserve, and to always be helping. For me that means helping in the form of education. Once people are armed with facts then the business path they want to go down becomes clear.
In closing, will this training lead me to the pinnacle of my success? I'd like to think so. I am putting in the work each day to ensure that my network and relationships have a long path of partnerships. THANK YOU Dan Tyre and Sarah Posnak for not only being awesome people; but for believing in my business as much as I do.
If YOU need help with your business marketing strategy, lead generation campaigns, or know of someone who does, I'd love to talk. Set up a time with me for a complementary business analysis HERE. #letsrock2017
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